Living in minimalist or small homes. How to do it?

Living in minimalist or small homes. How to do it?

El alto precio de los pisos ha hecho que cada vez más las personas en las grandes ciudades se inclinen por viviendas minimalistas y pequeñas. Estos minipisos pueden tener las ventajas de ser más acogedores, económicos, más fáciles de limpiar o contar con una mejor localización.

Pero, el gran problema de las viviendas minimalistas es mantener el orden, y más cuando tienes niños. Además, para vivir en estas casas hay que ser ingeniosos para aprovechar todos los espacios y ser original en la decoración. Una buena solución para contar con un espacio extra es rent an urban storage room cerca de casa, en Eurotrasteros contamos con locales en varios lugares estratégicos de Madrid.

¿Cómo mantener el orden en las viviendas minimalistas?

A continuación te explicamos algunos consejos muy prácticos, that will make you maintain order in your small home y que el tiempo que permanezcas en ella estés más confortable.

  • Aprovechar todos los rincones de la casa. Tienes que tener en cuenta que todos los espacios dentro de tu vivienda son aprovechables, como ese hueco que queda detrás de un tabique o las esquinas de los compartimentos de la cocina o de los armarios.
  • Cajones debajo de la cama. Las camas o sofás con cajones incorporados te permiten guardar ropa, zapatos o utensilios que utilices menos. Eso sí, es importante que todo lo que almacenes sea de forma ordenada para optimizar al máximo este espacio. Este es un tipo de mueble indispensable para vivir en viviendas pequeñas. Si apuestas por comprar este tipo de cama puedes guardar la anterior en alguno de los storage rooms for rent in Madrid que te ofrecemos. Nuestros espacios están hechos para que se puedan almacenar todo tipo de pertenencias, desde objetos pequeños hasta muebles.
  • Canastas. Puedes utilizar canastas para guardar los objetos de menor tamaño y no tenerlas en medio de casa, utiliza etiquetas para identificarlas y así saber qué hay en cada una de ellas. El tener las pertenencias guardadas es clave para tener orden en tu casa.
  • wall to wall cabinets. Los muros pueden contener grandes armarios para así aprovechar al máximo el espacio de la pared. Dentro del mismo pueden colocarse repisas para mantener toda la ropa en orden.
  • Zapateros. Los zapatos son de los objetos que más espacio ocupan y que más tenemos por casa desordenados. Con un zapatero podrás tenerlos todos localizados.
  • Trasteros. Rent a storage room es una gran solución para tener una vivienda pequeña y de diseño ordenada. En estos espacios podrás store clothes that are not in season, aparatos electrónicos, los Christmas ornaments, muebles y una colección de cómics o revistas. También si practicas deporte podrás guardar la bicicleta, los skis o la tabla de Snowboard. En Eurotrasteros all our spaces have high security measures los 365 días del año para que puedas dejar sin problema estos objetos de alto valor económico. Un trastero te permitirá darle aire a tu vivienda y que no estés agobiado con comprar algo y que no te entre en casa.

In recent years, the demand for storage rooms has increased significantly due to the fact that the People are increasingly living in small houses., en las que no pueden guardar todas sus pertenencias. Por lo que si quieres mantener tus objetos a buen recaudo y tener tu vivienda ordenada puedes optar por uno de nuestros storage rooms for rent in Madrid .

Storing clothes in the storage room: practical advice

Storing clothes in the storage room: practical advice

More and more we tend to keep clothes in the storage room, either because what is not in season does not enter the home, because we want to preserve the garments of great sentimental or economic value or store them to give them in the future to a family member, as can happen with baby clothes. Thus, It is important to know how to store clothes in a storage room for rent so that it remains in good condition while stored.

As store clothes in the storage room?

The first thing you should do to storing clothes in the storage room is washing them, but without fabric softener or bleach. This way You will prevent bad odors from developing in the clothes. It is also It is important that it dry well before storing it.

Clothes should not be ironed. as this can cause it to yellow over time as it does not air out.. Finally, you must make sure that the clothes after washing do not continue with stains, because it will be more difficult for them to go away in washes later.

With the clothes ready to be stored in the storage room, You have to choose a container for it. It is best to use specific boxes for storing clothes. This way you will be able to keep the garments in the best condition. Cardboard boxes can also be used, placing the heavier clothes on the bottom and the lighter ones on top. In Eurotrasteros We have shelves in our rental storage rooms to make it more convenient to store boxes of clothes.

If you want your dresses, coats or suits not to fold, you can opt for wardrobe boxes.. They will be well protected and will not deform. On the contrary, jerseys should never be hung. While, if you prefer that your clothes take up as little space as possible in your storage room, we recommend airtight bags to store clothes, although this way they can deteriorate.

Delicate clothing is recommended to be wrapped in tissue paper, so they can breathe better. What should never be used to store clothes are plastic bags, since the clothes do not breathe inside them and mold could appear.

It is important that, when we put away the clothes, let's do it in the correct container to classify it by the type of garment. This will make it easier for you to identify it later.

In Eurotrasteros We have storage rooms of all sizes, from 1 to 11 m², so you can hire them depending on the number of boxes or bags you want to store. We have different mini-warehouses, which are perfect for storing your garments in an orderly and easy-to-identify manner.

Our service can be contracted from one month in duration, to whatever you need. In addition, for greater comfort, we have three storage centers in Madrid capital. They are located in the Alcala street And in the zones of ambassadors y Beautiful valley.

Now that you know how to store your clothes in the storage room, You just have to enter our website to reserve the storage room what you need, extra space and store your clothes.

How to store my bicycle in the center of Madrid

How to store my bicycle in the center of Madrid

Riding a bicycle is a very beneficial activity for anyone who practices it, it has a large number of advantages in terms of health and physical fitness. This has made more and more people decide to take the bike in Madrid and take a tour of the various routes that exist. The problem is, how to store my bike in the center of Madrid? Most of the houses in the capital are very small and do not have a storage room or terrace to store it.

The solution to this problem of storing a bicycle in the center of Madrid is to rent a urban storage room, which are fashionable in big cities in recent years. In Eurotrasteros, We have spaces in three different neighborhoods of the capital, such as Alcalá street, ambassadors y Beautiful valley. In addition, our storage rooms have security 365 days a year, to prevent any type of theft of this type of object.

How to store a bicycle in little space?

The best way for a bicycle to take up little space in a storage room is to install a support or vertical hook. So the bike will be placed vertically on the wall. Also, it will be easy to get the bike off the hook for weekly or monthly use. This hook adapts to all types of bikes, even those with fenders.

While if you are not concerned about space, you can install a horizontal hook on the wall and leave the bike in a horizontal position and without touching the ground. What we do not recommend is leaving the bike leaning against the wall because it will end up on the ground. We also advise you to buy a cover, which protects it well from dust and pollution. So it will be pristine every time you use it.

Another option if you are going to use the bicycle every long time is remove the front wheel and store it in a bag, and that occupies less space in the storage room.

We also advise you that When you store your bike in the storage room, make sure the tires are well inflated, so that you do not find any punctured or deflated wheels when you go to use it. Also, if you want to keep the metal of your bike in perfect condition, you can apply a specialized product.

In a storage room for rent You will also have space for store your equipment and the necessary tools to fix the bike in case you have any problem. This way you will have everything at hand when you decide to go for a ride on the weekend and enjoy the great benefits of taking the bike.

Don't forget that Cycling has many health benefits. of a person, such as lowering blood pressure and improving lung capacity and basal metabolism. While in the physical field, it allows us to increase our physical resistance, eliminate fat in the legs and abdomen and strengthen the buttocks.

Also, now that spring is here and the good weather is here and the evenings are stretching out until dinnertime, it's the perfect time to go cycling. And thus enjoy the city, its parks and the various routes that are in it. Hence You already know how to store the bicycle in the center of Madriddon't waste time and reserve your storage room in the capital.

Urban storage rooms, the solution to have extra space

Urban storage rooms, the solution to have extra space

One of the biggest problems of homes in Madrid capital is the little space they have to store belongings, but with the urban storage rooms you already have it solved. These spaces are booming in Spain and have grown significantly, especially in urban centers.s of big cities in recent years.

Previously, the storage rooms were located on the outskirts of the cities, but now people's need to have extra space close to home has caused these places to increase. In Eurotrasteros years ago we appreciated this need of the people and we created three centers in strategic places of the capital such as the Alcala street and the area of ambassadors y Beautiful valley.

This need to have an urban storage room has also been influenced by the fact that having a home with a storage room in the capital of Madrid is almost a luxury. Only 15% of the apartments in the center have these storage spaces. And the fact that robberies in these places have increased has also caused their increase.

Advantages of having an urban storage room in Madrid

Every day we Spaniards have more clothes, more electronic devices, more things in general, which translates into a problem saving them. But with an urban storage room this will be solved. You will continue to keep belongings with sentimental value such as a collection of books or furniture from a family member.

You can also save clothes that are not in season or those that we have already stopped wearing and that we can use again in a few years when they are in fashion again. Or even if you practice a sport, you can store a bicycle and be able to use it on Sundays to go on a route. In our spaces Eurotrasteros You can store a bicycle or any valuable material, since they have surveillance 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and they have high security measures.

another of the advantages to have a urban storage room in Madrid is that the high price of rents means that people are constantly changing homes, and if you move to a furnished apartment and have your own furniture you can store it in these spaces. Or vice versa, if you rent your home you can keep some furniture with sentimental value that you don't want your tenants to damage.

rent a urban storage room in Madrid It will also allow you to have more space in your home, which It will make the time you spend there more comfortable. You will no longer have the pressure not to buy something because it doesn't fit into the house.

Eurotrasteros, the best storage solution in Madrid

In Eurotrasteros We have three centers in Madrid capital. Storage rooms in the Alcalá street, and in the areas of ambassadors y Beautiful valley. Furthermore, we have storage rooms in Alcobendas for those people who live in the northern area of ​​Madrid. All our spaces comply with the regulations for urban storage rooms, since there are a series of requirements that must be taken into account before starting a storage room rental business.

The spaces of Eurotrasteros cThey have shelves and different furniture, so that all types of belongings can be stored.. Another advantage of our centers is that they have an extra service for transferring belongings to your home. In addition, you can reserve the storage room online, so you will not have to travel to our offices.

so if you want give more space to your home in Madrid and join this boom in urban storage rooms you just have to choose the space closest to your home. What are you waiting for?

Are you looking for storage rooms in Alcobendas? Eurotrasteros has the solution

Are you looking for storage rooms in Alcobendas? Eurotrasteros has the solution

If you are looking for a storage room rental in Alcobendas, in Eurotrasteros tenemos la solución. Contamos con espacios de todos los tamaños, from 1m² to 11m², por lo que podrás contratarlos en función de tus necesidades.

He rental service Euro storage rooms in Alcobendas es la solución ideal para tu empresa y está ubicado en una zona empresarial. Si la oficina se te ha quedado pequeña, podrás guardar todos aquellos company documents what do you want Keep on, and I also know offers this service to locales comerciales que necesiten un espacio extra para guardar sus productos.

Los trasteros son también una buena alternativa en las empresas para almacenar stock, mercancía o herramientas. Puedes alquilar el espacio hasta el tiempo que sea necesario, sin ataduras que puedan limitar la operatividad de tu empresa y disponer de ellas cuando sea necesario.

Además, gracias a nuestro storage service in Alcobendas You will not have to go to the center of Madrid para guardar tus pertenencias. Contarás con un lugar en esta localidad en el que mantener a buen recaudo tus objetos.

A of the great advantages of our center of Euro storage rooms in Alcobendas is that it is attached to the network of storage Última Milla, which allows us to have an extra service for transferring belongings to a site of this town or of Madrid centro.

Advantages of our storage rooms in Alcobendas

A la hora de seleccionar un trastero hay que tener en cuenta varios factores, como la ubicación, medidas de seguridad de las instalaciones, cómodo acceso con el vehículo o la calidad de los acabados del espacio. and the spaces of Eurotrasteros cumplen estas condiciones. Tienen un fácil acceso para coches, pequeños camiones y furgonetas. Además, para una mayor seguridad los trasteros están vigilados durante 24 horas y los 365 días al año. Disponen de alarma de incendios y de intrusión conectada con central de alarmas y de bomberos y las mejores medidas de seguridad para tu total tranquilidad.

Para una mayor comodidad, nuestros trasteros de alcobendas They have long business hours. desde las 9 de la mañana hasta las 20 horas. While Saturdays remain open desde las 10 hasta las 14 horas. Estos amplios horarios hacen que ante cualquier imprevisto, tengas a mano y cerca de casa o la empresa todo lo que necesites. ¡Solo tienes que acercarte a tu trastero!

The spaces of Eurotrasteros son totalmente privados e independientes, cuentan con estanterías y diferentes mobiliarios, ya que estos espacios están hechos para que se puedan guardar todo tipo de pertenencias. Puedes añadir metros cuadrados a tu contrato combinando diferentes mini-almacenes, ayudándote a ordenar las mercancías.

In Euro storage rooms Alcobendas también ofrecemos servicio a particulares. En nuestro espacio podrás guardar todo aquello que en la actualidad no usas o cosas con valor sentimental. Te permitirá conseguir una buena organization at home or have mucho espacio libre de nuevo en la vivienda. You can keep belongings of economic or sentimental value y objetos que necesitarás en un futuro.

También te puedes ver en la necesidad de contar con un trastero por motivos de causa mayor, como cuando abandonamos una home with our furniture or we make a move. Por eso, es ideal poder dejar todas tus pertenencias en un espacio en el que estén a buen recaudo y con amplias medidas seguridad.

If you are looking for a rental storage rooms in Alcobendas date prisa y no esperes a quedarte sin un lugar seguro donde depositar tus pertenencias.

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