Storing clothes in the storage room: practical advice

Storing clothes in the storage room: practical advice

More and more we tend to keep clothes in the storage room, either because what is not in season does not enter the home, because we want to preserve the garments of great sentimental or economic value or store them to give them in the future to a family member, as can happen with baby clothes. Thus, It is important to know how to store clothes in a storage room for rent so that it remains in good condition while stored.

As store clothes in the storage room?

The first thing you should do to storing clothes in the storage room is washing them, but without fabric softener or bleach. This way You will prevent bad odors from developing in the clothes. It is also It is important that it dry well before storing it.

Clothes should not be ironed. as this can cause it to yellow over time as it does not air out.. Finally, you must make sure that the clothes after washing do not continue with stains, because it will be more difficult for them to go away in washes later.

With the clothes ready to be stored in the storage room, You have to choose a container for it. It is best to use specific boxes for storing clothes. This way you will be able to keep the garments in the best condition. Cardboard boxes can also be used, placing the heavier clothes on the bottom and the lighter ones on top. In Eurotrasteros We have shelves in our rental storage rooms to make it more convenient to store boxes of clothes.

If you want your dresses, coats or suits not to fold, you can opt for wardrobe boxes.. They will be well protected and will not deform. On the contrary, jerseys should never be hung. While, if you prefer that your clothes take up as little space as possible in your storage room, we recommend airtight bags to store clothes, although this way they can deteriorate.

Delicate clothing is recommended to be wrapped in tissue paper, so they can breathe better. What should never be used to store clothes are plastic bags, since the clothes do not breathe inside them and mold could appear.

It is important that, when we put away the clothes, let's do it in the correct container to classify it by the type of garment. This will make it easier for you to identify it later.

In Eurotrasteros We have storage rooms of all sizes, from 1 to 11 m², so you can hire them depending on the number of boxes or bags you want to store. We have different mini-warehouses, which are perfect for storing your garments in an orderly and easy-to-identify manner.

Our service can be contracted from one month in duration, to whatever you need. In addition, for greater comfort, we have three storage centers in Madrid capital. They are located in the Alcala street And in the zones of ambassadors y Beautiful valley.

Now that you know how to store your clothes in the storage room, You just have to enter our website to reserve the storage room what you need, extra space and store your clothes.

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