When is a storage room cleaning recommended?

When is a storage room cleaning recommended?

You've probably heard about fall and spring cleaning. And it is that the changes of season are usually the ideal moments to carry out a cleaning deep inside your house, and you storage room for rent It wasn't going to be different.

We have already spoken on other occasions about how important it is to keep order inside a storage room to have your belongings organized and as convenient as possible. possible hand in case at any time you need to resort to them. But not only The order is important, but the cleaning must play a fundamental role within our storage room.

As the storage room is an external part of our home, many times the tendency is to forget the cleaning tasks and that can be a serious mistake since Lack of hygiene can lead to the deterioration of the objects we have inside.

How to clean a storage room, step by step

Whether you have your own storage room or do you rent a storage room for seasons You will have already realized the large amount of things that can accumulate in it, as well as the disorder and lack of cleanliness that usually characterizes these spaces.

And it is that they are usually kept precisely for store everything that we do not use regularly, or maybe never but we don't want to get rid of it; Consequently, we do not usually pay much attention to cleaning it and the day it is time to do it it turns out to be a titanic task.

Before cleaning the storage room, you have to think about the following points:

  • If your storage room needs cleaning, you probably don't remember everything inside. It is normal to keep things in the storage room and forget that we have them, so it is advisable to have some shelves where you can place the different objects, so you will have them in view and you can quickly get an idea of ​​everything you have.
  • you may need more than a day to completely clean your storage room. Plan accordingly, so you have all the time you need.
  • It can be helpful to have someone help you, especially when emptying and carrying the heaviest and most voluminous objects. Plus it always makes working with someone more enjoyable!
  • Remember be patient and take things little by little, trying to take everything out at once or taking too many things in one trip can end badly.

Steps to follow to keep a storage room clean

  1. Keep the space as uncluttered as possible to facilitate the cleaning task.
  2. pay attention to the walls. Before cleaning them with a cloth and the cleaning product that you consider depending on the material of the storage room walls, it is recommended that you observe if there are strange stains that could be due to humidity or some type of deterioration of the space.
  3. If you have shelves, remove the elements that you have on them and wiping with a damp cloth to remove all dust and dirt particles. It is also important that you clean the surface of the boxes or objects that you have on each shelf of the shelves.
  4. For storage rooms more aimed at storing clothes placed on racks, the best option is store this clothing in covers so that it is not in direct contact with dust that may be inside the storage room. Since clothes are more difficult to clean in the storage room, it will be enough for you to do so when you are going to use them, either at home in the washing machine or by using a professional dry cleaner.
  5. Finally, sweep the floor and mop it with bleach or some other disinfectant.

It is important to repeat this routine as much as possible. So, at least once a year we should deep clean our storage room for rent.

Cheap storage rooms in Madrid

Cheap storage rooms in Madrid

Economic and Madrid seem like opposite concepts. However, rent cheap storage rooms in Madrid it's possible. Madrid is a city that offers a multitude of possibilities. The third capital of Europe not only attracts talent at the work level but also people who want to live there.

A direct consequence of this is overcrowding, many people in a small space, despite the fact that Madrid has not stopped growing far and wide.

Therefore, we live in smaller and smaller spaces but our storage needs are not reduced, on the contrary. For that, there are solutions, such asrent a storage room in Madridcapital, without having to go to the outskirts, which is where they are generally located.

Of course, talk about cheap storage rooms in Madrid It does not mean losing quality or professionalism. That's why, It is important to have a serious, solvent and professional company. that offers you an affordable storage room with all the security and services.

What should a good rental storage room have?

When looking for cheap storage rooms in Madrid, you will be invaded by a multitude of offers with discounts and impossible prices. It is vital to know distinguish what each supplier is offering you so as not to fall into deception. For that, let's see what minimums the company with which you rent your storage room must offer you:

  • professionalism: when you search for your storage room for rent, when visiting the facilities and staff, make sure they answer all questions and questions you have as a future client. Likewise, see if you have cared for, providing the confidence and peace of mind that your things will be safe in that place you have chosen. You must trust the first impression just as in your instinct, all this will allow you choose the best storage room, which also covers all your needs.
  • Security: to be able to choose the best storage room in Madrid, you must Consider the security they offer to store your things. Between the Factors that you are going to take into account in this topic are: secure locks with padlocks, digital surveillance with security cameras, the presence of personnel surveillance 24 hours a day, especially at night, alarms individual security, multi-risk insurance. All these are some of the aspects to take into consideration, this way you can guarantee that the things and objects will be cared for and safe, also prevent any inconvenience in terms of security.
  • Prices: this is one of the factors most important, it will depend on choosing the best storage room that fits your budget. What you should consider in this aspect is the cost per square meter, that is, remember that There is a lot of difference between the square meters of a home and those of a useful construction. So, check that the price offered for the size Corridors and surrounding areas are not included. Likewise, Consider your budget with the prices of the different storage rooms, opt for the one that fits both your needs and the money you are going to have for it.

The The way in which the rental of storage rooms in Madrid works is very simple. You just have to find a center that is close to your home or communicated and that offers guarantees of security and protection of your possessions, as well as correct customer service and trust. In Eurotrasteros tea We offer three centers in Madrid capital and one in Alcobendas.

And now... where to store the Christmas decorations?

And now... where to store the Christmas decorations?

Ya está. Mediados de enero, las Navidades ya han pasado y todavía no has quitado el árbol y el Belén. Y es que qué bonito es todo cuando llega la Navidad y qué pesado se nos hace el momento de recoger, empaquetar y volver a guardar hasta el año que viene. Te debates entre la nostalgia por esos días tan bonitos que han pasado y el horror de seguir viendo los adornos de Navidad en casa cuando ya no tienen sentido.

In Eurotrasteros not us we get tired of telling you that the solution is a rent a cheap storage room para que estas situaciones no te superen. Además, vamos a darte unos consejos para ayudarte a que tu casa vuelva a ser la que era antes de las Navidades.

Solutions for storing Christmas decorations

¿No tienes dónde guardar los adornos? Quizá sean tus primeras Navidades y aún no te hayas dado cuenta de que el árbol de Navidad queda precioso en tu salón, pero después hay que guardarlo. Por suerte existen soluciones, entre ellas rent a storage room in Madrid, cerca de casa, donde poder almacenarlo. Y ya que lo tienes, no lo utilices solo para los adornos de Navidad, sino para guardar todo lo que no necesitas en casa y te ocupa espacio.

Collect all the decorations The same day

Esto es importante porque a la pereza que da la labor de recoger se le une que si recoges cada adorno en días diferentes, resulta más probable que se pierda algo o que la falta de previsión te haga deshacer el trabajo del día anterior por una mala distribución en el trastero. Piensa que si recoges la decoración de manera ordenada, el próximo año te resultará más fácil acceder a ella.

Use boxes and bags resistant

Los Christmas decorations and the tree usually come in boxes cuando los compramos. Dentro de ellas vienen colocados perfectamente al milímetro, lo que hace prácticamente imposible volver a guardarlos igual.

We recommend that you buy some cardboard or plastic boxes resistant and of different sizes. Dentro de ellas podrás guardar toda la decoración navideña, indicando por fuera el contenido de la caja para, así, una vez las tengas almacenadas en tu trastero, de un solo vistazo puedas saber si dentro está el árbol, las bolas, coronas, etc.

It is important that these boxes are solid and resistant so that allows you to stack them without problems and be able to leverage even more space in your storage room.

¡Cuidado con las luces!

Normalmente enrollamos de forma incorrecta las luces del árbol, lo que ocasiona que las bombillas, en muchos casos, choquen y se rompan o el cable se doble haciendo inservible este juego de luces para el próximo año. Una buena opción es roll up the light fixture in a cardboard sheet and make small cuts en los lados del cartón para encajar el cableado y evitar así que puedan moverse.

Properly store each ornament

Como habrás podido comprobar, la belleza de los adornos de Navidad solo es comparable con su fragilidad. Con mucho cuidado, wrap in paper bubble those elements that can hit each other and break. En caso de que no tengas papel de burbuja, puedes recurrir a trapos de cocina viejos o papel de periódico.

It is very important that in the boxes you place on the bottom those who are heavier, dejando en la parte superior los más delicados. Como recomendación, pon en una caja aparte todos los que sean de cristal o casco y especifica que la caja es frágil.

Ya has hecho lo más difícil. Ahora que ya has retirado la decoración de Navidad, you just have to take out your usual decoration again, que puede que la hayas guardado en tu storage room for rent para que no ocupe espacio en tu casa. Y, sin darte cuenta, ¡tu hogar volverá a ser el que era antes de la Navidad!

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