How to store books well without dying trying?
Although they say that paper is dead, for some books will never go out of style. If you are one of those who like to physically own and collect books, you will identify with this post. There comes a point where bringing a new book home is a difficult decision: either find a place to put it or decide which of the ancients is sacrificed. Rent a storage room For this purpose it may not have been one of your priorities, but we assure you that when you read to the end this post about how to organize your books in a storage room, you will have changed your mind.
Reasons to store books in a storage room
There is no greater reason than order. And reading lovers usually have their houses turned upside down, using every last hidden space available to store books. And this is usually done haphazardly. The books are not organized, they do not follow a coherent storage system and looking for one of them later becomes a real gymkhana.
keep your house clear is a reason important enough to take the decision of rent a storage room. If we also pay attention to the guru's recommendations Japanese order, Marie Kondo, one of the golden rules to maintain a clear house is not having more than 30 books at home. Sacrilege! you will think. But ultimately, it is an important step to become aware of what we have at home since only then do our things have value and we know what it is really important for us.
Another reason for Storing your books in a storage room is having all of them in one place, by hand, and even organized by theme (although this is for law enforcement professionals!).
How to store your books in a storage room?
Although we could dedicate a longer post just to this point, let's give you some brush strokes on storage of books in a storage room. You have two options: save the copies in boxes or create your own library.
Both options are valid if you have a storage room for rent. You just have to decide which of them best suits your needs.. If you are aware that certain books are not going to be consulted for a while, it is almost better that you opt for the storage option in boxes.
If, on the other hand, reading is your passion and you devour books almost daily, creating a small (or large) library in your storage room will be a great idea. Use shelves where you can place your collection in plain sight. It will be easier and more comfortable for continuous use.
Although the saying goes: “Knowledge does not take place”, the reality is that knowledge takes up a lot of physical space! But don't worry, you've already seen that through a storage room for rent You will be able to continue maintaining your love of reading without any problem.

Storage solutions for professionals
SMEs represent 99.8% of the Spanish business fabric and generate 65.9% of employment, which makes them the true driving force of the Spanish economy. The vast majority, 93.5%, are self-employed professionals and micro-businesses with less than 10 employees, according to data from the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism. And we venture to affirm that practically all of them have space problems. Whether because they do not have offices or because they have them but they are of a limited size, Most professionals need to hire extra space, and the best way is through a storage room for rent for professionals.
Dealing with a space problem is not easy for a professional. Your space needs are increasing little by little. little and it is common for them to quickly outgrow them. Stock, machinery, files and documents, furniture... An endless number of elements that need safe storage that adapts to your needs. He rent of a storage room for professionals It is an activity that is increasingly on the rise.
The The need for extra space is a constant throughout the anyone's life. But the truth is that This demand, which a few years ago fell on individuals, has found in the small and medium-sized companies and the self-employed group, a recent client potential.
5 characteristics when renting a storage room for professionals
- Location. In Eurotrasteros we have storage rooms for rent in the center of Madrid, adapting to your needs as a safe company. Besides, We have a center in Alcobendas, ideal if your company is located in the North area of Madrid.
- Security. What the company keeps in the storage room will be like an extension of its business, so security is a vital feature. Having a center that has 24-hour surveillance is an obligation.
- Parking. It seems secondary but day-to-day life shows us that an SME that needs to store stock, for example, will resort to vans that will need a parking within the center itself, very close to its storage room, which facilitates the loading and unloading of merchandise.
- additional material. See if the storage room rental center provides you with other types of help materials such as wheelbarrows, pallet jacks, etc. They will be very useful to you.
- Time. Your business does not rest and therefore neither does your storage room for rent. You will need a self storage space with long hours that cover all your needs as a professional.
Small and medium-sized companies have realized that the solution to their space problems does not lie in renting or buying more office meters, but in rent a storage room, a space to store products and materials. There are more and more companies that are resorting to renting storage rooms for professionals as they offer a good solution to the lack of space at a reasonable cost. Also with the advantage of centralizing the issue of storage in a single supplier, with a single interlocutor that allows immediate availability of the stored material and at a very economical cost.

You move? Moving storage rooms can help you
We know, thinking about moving makes your hair stand on end. And moving when you have a multitude of things to move, in addition to furniture and appliances, is quite a challenge. That's why, Renting storage rooms for moving can become the best help in such a process.
If in addition to moving you are going to carry out some type of renovation work in your new home, store bulky furniture and boxes temporarily in a storage room for rent it's a great idea. In this way, the cleaning and ordering process will be more comfortable and faster than if you had all the furniture in one corner of your house.
Sometimes, especially in rentals, The contracts are closed and begin with round dates, so you can encounter the situation in which you will have to remove the furniture from your house old but you will not have the new one available yet. Then, have a storage room where you can store your belongings during a time and not worrying is the only option.
But, let's go step by step. What are the steps that must be taken to carry out a move in the best conditions?
Tips for an easy and fast move
Above all, be foresight. Have the enough time to start preparing and organizing all It is an asset that you must count on. And the fact is that the prior preparation of the furniture is almost as important as the rest of the tasks.
Protect and organize furniture with enough time. Waiting until the last minute can lead you to not adequately protect the objects in your home.
Use blankets, sheets and cushions to protect your furniture before packing it. In addition to avoiding any damage to corners and surfaces, you will be fulfilling a double objective: protecting and storing other objects at the same time.
Once you have adapted and packed each of the furniture, it will be your turn to start with the boxes. Use boxes and other storage elements to store smaller belongings and thus be able to transport them more easily.
Calculate the space you need. For temporarily store your furniture, you must calculate the space you need in your storage room. For that, the calculators space from the websites themselves will help you Determine the meters you have to hire.
A storage room after a move
Once the move is completed, you can find furniture that no longer fits in your new home: either because of size, because they don't match the new decoration or simply because they are more sentimental pieces than useful.
In that case, before giving away the belongings, selling them or throwing them away, you can choose rent a storage room and keep them until you decide what to do with them. There is also a very practical and useful measure to store your personal belongings while the move lasts, making them free of moisture and fully protected: hiring a furniture storage service.
As you can see, whether before, during or after moving house, Renting storage rooms for moving is a convenient, economical and quick solution so that your move is not an ordeal.

What to keep and what not to keep in a rental storage room?
Now that you have decided to have a storage room for rent, the great question is: what things can I store there? Or better put,there is some kind of element that is not can store in a rental storage room?
Although most of the things you will need to store in a storage room, whether you are an individual or a company, will be allowed, You should know that there are certain logical restrictions when using a storage space.
Elements that you will not be able to keep in a storage room for rent
Although each company of self storage has its own regulations, which you must consult beforehand, with precise indications about their restrictions, there are measures about what is not advisable to store in a rented storage room.
These are the items that are generally not allowed:
- Flammable materials. Although it seems obvious, many times we are not sure what type of elements can be flammable. It is prohibited to store items such as firecrackers, butane cylinders, gasoline cans, acids and dangerous chemicals, as well as any explosive materials.
- Perishable food. A storage room is a good place to organize a small pantry but as long as it involves non-perishable foods. Forget about storing foods that require refrigeration or some type of special condition, they can generate bad odors and attract insects or rodents if they are not kept in the right conditions.
- Plants. Although it seems logical, not everyone takes into account that a plant is a living being. No type of plant or crop should be stored in a storage room since the light and watering conditions they need do not exist in a space like a storage room.
- Animals. It is obvious that a storage room is not a suitable place to leave an animal, even for a short time. Doing so could cause serious damage to the animal's health.
- high value items. Although storage rooms for rent are spaces that have extensive security measures, it is recommended not to store highly valuable objects there. We should not take a storage room as a safe, for this there are other spaces dedicated to this purpose with multi-risk insurance.
What can I store in a rental storage room?
So... what can I store in a rented storage room? Well, everything else. A storage room for rent like the ones offered Eurotrasteros will allow you to store any element that you need to free from your home to enjoy more space.
In a storage room for rent in Madrid you can store everything from tools to books and notes passing through furniture and sports materials. And if you are self-employed and looking for a storage room for professionals, you can free up space in your office or warehouse by organizing your accounting or storing machinery and stock.
That's why, the rental of storage rooms is a growing practice; services are increasingly in demand of companies of self storage, given that There are many individuals and companies that need to have extra spaces storage that decongests floors and small premises.

How to organize the storage room?
There is a lot of talk about how to keep the house tidy, about tips and lessons to keep each room in your home organized, but... How to keep your storage room organized? Organizing the storage room in the best way is crucial to make it accessible and to make the most of the space.
Rent a storage room to maximize storage space it is a very good option, but to It is not about accumulating objects without rhyme or reason and that really useful, it is necessary to establish order in the storage room.
Today we are going to give you several tips for what to order, first, and maintain that organization, Afterwards, it's a piece of cake.
Tips to order your storage room
The first step is usually the one you least like and the one you are most lazy about. gives: empty and clean the storage room thoroughly to be able to organize it. It We are sorry but it is an essential step that you will thank later.
If you are new to having a storage room and you decide to rent one, companies like Eurotrasteros, what they rent storage rooms for individuals, it will be your best choice and also, you will save the first step since they will deliver it to you clean and in perfect condition.
Once cleaning is done, the second part of the whole process order is to classify. Prepare three piles and decide to throw away or donate everything anything you haven't used in years. May you have a urban storage room does not mean accumulate all kinds of objects and turn it into a garbage dump!
For a storage room to be truly useful, the objects you store There they must pass the filter of: save / throw / give.
Well, once classified, it's time to start distributing the boxes. Yeah The objects you want to store in the storage room are not excessively fragile and you can accumulate them in boxes, It will be a quick way to store them in your storage room.
How much time have you wasted opening box after box in the storage room? without finding what you were looking for? An easy way to access everything later this material will be marking the boxes visibly, even with a polaroid photography.
The boxes allow you to optimize the available space and have everything well organized.
Shelves to organize the storage room
At the same time, you must equip your storage room with a system of modular storage, such as shelves, so that the storage of the boxes is carried out optimally. Shelves will help you make better use of space (about all vertically, maximizing the height of the storage room). Remember to take advantage of maximum width, height and depth of each shelf.
When you buy the shelves, choose them better metallic, which can hold weight and with adjustable heights.
If you are going to use your storage room mainly to store clothes season, we recommend that, in addition to storing in boxes, you get some donkeys to hang clothes on hangers. Coats, jackets, dresses, ski clothing... Remember to always keep clothes clean and in individual covers for avoid dust and promote its conservation. This system will allow you to easily and quickly access clothing, in case you need to use it more constantly.
Although it may seem obvious, remember establish an order: the higher up and less accessible, the less use. Procure place on the closest shelves those boxes that you are not going to touch for months and on the most accessible shelves and the donkeys, the objects that you are going to use most slight.
have a storage room in rent It is one of the best decisions you can make, but if not If you keep it in order, it can turn into real chaos..