Ready for a wardrobe change? Better with a storage room
The mornings and nights begin to get colder, the days warmer. short and routine is established in our lives again, an unmistakable sign that autumn is already here. And with it, the dreaded wardrobe change. Keep all the summer clothes and accessories and take out the sweaters, blankets and boots It is usually an arduous task, which we postpone again and again.
Autumn has its lovers and detractors. To those in love with bucolic landscapes dotted with reddish, amber and ocher colors are joined by the who consider it a tragedy to think about sweaters and coats. However, both go through the same drama: autumn wardrobe change.
He biggest problem What we face in these cases is the lack of space... where do we put all those boxes full of clothes? He rent from a storage room Is the best solution.
Advantages of changing the closet: there is a positive side!
Of course there is a positive side! The wardrobe change it is the climax of order for lovers of cleanliness and organization. It is a blank canvas to start distributing, ordering, folding and creating. sections: sweaters on one hand, accessories on the other…
It is the best way to rediscover clothes that you had forgotten. What can you tell me about the emotion you feel when you open a box and find that coat you didn't remember you had? And on top of that, it suits you!
Yes during the summer stored all the clothes in a storage room that you rented for the occasion, you will recover your belongings in perfect condition.
September is also a month of new beginnings, of good purposes and face the wardrobe change with that attitude will be like him kick-off to a new season.
Tips to perform autumn wardrobe change
Now that you see the positive side of changing your wardrobe, let's move on to the practical part: Tips for getting down to work a great plan.
- “The organization begins with the elimination”. That is one of the fundamental concepts of Marie Kondo, the Japanese guru of order. Take advantage of the change of season to honestly analyze your clothes and decide: if you haven't used it for a while and you doubt whether you will wear it, when in doubt, throw away or donate.
- Set aside what you go to keep. Sí, es cierto que todavía estamos en época de entretiempo, que durante el día puede que haga calor y que el veranillo de San Miguel es, como su propia palabra indica, una extensión del clima estival. Sin embargo, ten claro que hay prendas que seguro que no vas a usar: shorts, bañadores, sandalias… Ha llegado el momento de buscarles un sitio donde almacenarlos y rent a storage room para guardarlos es una solución idónea.
- Almacena correctamente.The Most of the clothes you store will go in boxes. It is recommended that you double the clothes so that they bulge as little as possible, for example with vertical folding. AND above all, that the boxes have an airtight seal so that the clothes do not catch odors or humidity. Although if you decide to store the boxes in a storage room like the ones we offer you in Eurotrasteros, You won't have to worry about anything. You clothes will be perfectly stored.
As you can see, good planning and having extra help such as rental of a storage room nearly home, they will make changing your wardrobe less of a problem.
Hang tags: rent a storage room, storage room rental, wardrobe change