How to organize the storage room?

How to organize the storage room?

There is a lot of talk about how to keep the house tidy, about tips and lessons to keep each room in your home organized, but... How to keep your storage room organized? Organizing the storage room in the best way is crucial to make it accessible and to make the most of the space.

Rent a storage room to maximize storage space it is a very good option, but to It is not about accumulating objects without rhyme or reason and that really useful, it is necessary to establish order in the storage room.

Today we are going to give you several tips for what to order, first, and maintain that organization, Afterwards, it's a piece of cake.

Tips to order your storage room

The first step is usually the one you least like and the one you are most lazy about. gives: empty and clean the storage room thoroughly to be able to organize it. It We are sorry but it is an essential step that you will thank later.

If you are new to having a storage room and you decide to rent one, companies like Eurotrasteros, what they rent storage rooms for individuals, it will be your best choice and also, you will save the first step since they will deliver it to you clean and in perfect condition.

Once cleaning is done, the second part of the whole process order is to classify. Prepare three piles and decide to throw away or donate everything anything you haven't used in years. May you have a urban storage room does not mean accumulate all kinds of objects and turn it into a garbage dump!

For a storage room to be truly useful, the objects you store There they must pass the filter of: save / throw / give.

Well, once classified, it's time to start distributing the boxes. Yeah The objects you want to store in the storage room are not excessively fragile and you can accumulate them in boxes, It will be a quick way to store them in your storage room.

How much time have you wasted opening box after box in the storage room? without finding what you were looking for? An easy way to access everything later this material will be marking the boxes visibly, even with a polaroid photography.

The boxes allow you to optimize the available space and have everything well organized.

Shelves to organize the storage room

At the same time, you must equip your storage room with a system of modular storage, such as shelves, so that the storage of the boxes is carried out optimally. Shelves will help you make better use of space (about all vertically, maximizing the height of the storage room). Remember to take advantage of maximum width, height and depth of each shelf.

When you buy the shelves, choose them better metallic, which can hold weight and with adjustable heights.

If you are going to use your storage room mainly to store clothes season, we recommend that, in addition to storing in boxes, you get some donkeys to hang clothes on hangers. Coats, jackets, dresses, ski clothing... Remember to always keep clothes clean and in individual covers for avoid dust and promote its conservation. This system will allow you to easily and quickly access clothing, in case you need to use it more constantly.

Although it may seem obvious, remember establish an order: the higher up and less accessible, the less use. Procure place on the closest shelves those boxes that you are not going to touch for months and on the most accessible shelves and the donkeys, the objects that you are going to use most slight.

have a storage room in rent It is one of the best decisions you can make, but if not If you keep it in order, it can turn into real chaos..

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