Reservayour storage room

Space calculator for rental storage room

Our years of experience tell us that erroneous estimation of the meters needed to store furniture, books, files, tools, etc. For example, in a storage room 2m² can hold 10 boxes, clothes closet boxes, 2 small filing cabinets, 6 stackable chairs, a surfboard and a pair of skis.

However, a 4 m² one can hold the contents of a one-bedroom house, while a 15 m² one can hold the contents of a 4-bedroom house. To help you, we offer you our space calculator with which you will be able to calculate the storage space you need without going overboard.

Whether you need it for your personal things or for your company, at Eurotrasteros we have storage rooms of different sizes where you will be able to store and store everything you need. In addition, you can choose from any of our storage room rental centers in Madrid so that you can choose the closest one and you can access it at any time.

In Eurotrasteros We want to help you find the best storage room for you, That is why we are available to answer any questions you may have about the space you need. Start calculating your space now!

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