How to choose your storage room rental company?
In recent years the companies of storage room rental in Madrid they have grown more than 50%. Until a few years ago they did not reach half a dozen and Today there are more than 100.
the way it works renting storage rooms in Madrid is very simple. You just have to find a center that is close to your home or workplace, that is well connected and that offers guarantees of security and protection of your possessions, as well as customer service correct and trustworthy client.
Eurotrasteros offers you three centers in Madrid capital. Storage rooms in the street alcala, in Embajadores and in the Vallehermoso area, locations strategic ones that will surely be easy to access. In addition, it also offers you rental of storage rooms in Alcobendas, a location highly sought after by companies.
In Eurotrasteros you will find everything you need to rent a storage room of confidence and being able to gain meters at home, eliminating everything that does not needs throughout the year, such as winter clothing, certain furniture, or objects that simply take up too much in your home.
Factors when renting a storage room in Madrid
When choosing which storage room rental company you should use, there are important factors that you should take into account and that many storage room rental companies ignore, which is why in Eurotrasteros we want to give you these recommendations for renting a storage room.
- Price. It is a primary factor so don't be confused. Some multinationals and companies offer prices for 4 weeks (instead of a month). It is important to take this into account when compare storage room rental prices and make a rule of 3 (28 days is at price A/like 31 days is at price B).
The result is that it may seem that You pay less, but in the end you will end up paying more, why? Because every 10 months they will charge you twice for the same month.
- Collection day in contract. Although at first glance it may seem like a factor secondary, something that is not usually taken into account is that many storage rental companies in Madrid They bill the day of the month you start. At Eurotrasteros we send you an invoice at the beginning of the month, regardless of what day you enter, to facilitate your payment.
- Contract typology. It is important to review all the clauses of the contract to make sure of the price you are going to pay for your storage room for rent. Some companies use a price as a claim exceptionally low that progressively rise – beyond the rise CPI logic. In Eurotrasteros you will be assured of a clear price from day one to the day you decide to stop using the service.
These are just some of the Factors that are important to take into account when deciding on a company storage room rental in Madrid. And given the strong demand to which this sector is subject, in Eurotrasteros We recommend that you do not wait until the last minute to realize how necessary a storage room is in your home or business.
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